Three years ago on March 21 2022, Wales joined more than 60 nations around the world by making physical punishment of children illegal. The main aim of this landmark legislation is to help protect children and their rights.
The law applies to everyone in Wales, including visitors to Wales. It gives children the same protection from assault as adults and means the physical punishment of children is illegal everywhere in Wales.
While smacking is what usually comes to mind, physical punishment can take many forms including hitting, slapping and shaking. Research suggests that any type of physical punishment could be harmful to children.
The Welsh Government is supporting parents by providing advice about positive ways to manage children’s behaviour, as well as funding parenting courses as an alternative to prosecution. These focus on practical techniques to discipline and set boundaries, while building a warm and respectful relationship between parent and child.
Welsh Government Minister for Children and Social Care, Dawn Bowden, said:
“Three years on, and I'm really proud that Wales took this vital step. There is no place for physical punishment in a modern Wales.
“Parenting without physical punishment creates trust, safety, and connection. The evidence tells us children need to feel safe and secure in their family and their home. When they feel supported instead of fearful, they have the best chance to thrive.”
Teulu Cymru is a platform for parents and carers in Wales that offers practical tips and expert advice on bringing up children from birth to the age of 18. Follow Teulu Cymru on Facebook and on Instagram for this as well as updates about financial support available for parents.
Visit the link below for more information on ending physical punishment and exploring positive parenting techniques.
For more information, visit the Welsh Government website: