Coleg Ceredigion offers a range of courses for those starting their educational and career pathways and for those seeking a change of direction.
From vocational courses which include art and design, performing arts, business and public services, health and social care and more, to access to higher education programmes, which provide a supportive bridge to university for more mature students who are returning to education.

Coleg Ceredigion offers a supportive and friendly learning environment where everyone’s aim is for every student to recognise and reach their full potential.
Support is available for learners who need additional support or just some general help as they navigate their way through college.

Aberystwyth campus includes facilities such as: a library, computer room, performance studio, media suite, photography dark room, lighting studio, printing press and equine stables.
At Cardigan, facilities include a motor vehicle centre, furniture making workshops, construction trade areas and a hair and beauty suite.

Students are encouraged to test their skills to become the best they can be, for example, professional cookery and hospitality students enter Riso Gallo competitions where one student, Oliver Lacey won an experience at the Italian Embassy in London for coming runner up in the UK final.
Foundation art students are encouraged to take part in public exhibitions and to develop their own practice.
Whatever your subject choice, whatever your ambition, they will be encouraged and nurtured at Coleg Ceredigion.
Check out the college open evenings as these are an excellent place to start to explore and talk to teaching and support staff or get in touch to ask any questions.