A fresh round of bids to identify a partner for a much delayed health centre in Tregaron has been launched by Ceredigion County Council after a tender process came up empty.

The Cylch Caron project, which was first mooted in 2016, would consist of a GP surgery, community pharmacy, outpatient clinics and community nursing services, as well as extra care flats and integrated health and social care units.

The project also includes specialist social housing for individuals with care needs in Tregaron.

A tender went out last summer to find a 'delivery partner' to design and build the project.

However, despite saying bids had been received and were being reviewed, it was revealed earlier this year by Ceredigion County Council and Hywel Dda University Health Board, that no delivery partner was identified.

At a Ceredigion County Council Cabinet meeting on 21 January, members heard that two potential partners have expressed an interest in delivering the scheme, “with some variations to those proposed in the tender.”

The Cabinet voted to run a ‘Competitive Dialogue’ procurement exercise “with an open call for interested parties and includes a qualification stage of essential criteria that must be met.”

This week, Ceredigion County Council has announced that “the procurement process to identify a Delivery Partner for the Cylch Caron Scheme is now live.”

It will close on 12 April, with any preferred partners going before Cabinet for a final decision at a later date.

Cylch Caron was delayed in 2021 after housing association Barcud backed out of the project over financial concerns amid rising costs, putting the scheme in danger of never going ahead.

Cllr Alun Williams, council Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member with responsibility for Through Age Wellbeing said the council is “fully committed to seeing this innovative social care, health and housing project succeed.”