Machynlleth will host a benefit concert to raise money for the town’s newly refurbished public toilets.

This February the toilets reopened following two years of closure after repeated vandalism drove up running costs.

Though a council-resident working group gained funding to refurbish them with stainless steel vandal-proof furniture, the running costs are yet to be covered.

The celebrations for the renamed ‘Ty Bach Mach’ aim to raise funds to keep the toilets open.

Councillor Kim Bryan said: “Ty Bach Mach is a brilliant example of how our local community comes together to make things happen.

“Thanks to the dedication and support of residents, these toilets are not just a facility but a testament to community spirit in Machynlleth.

“It costs approximately £1,000 a month to keep them running, and while the town council has set aside funding, every bit of support helps.

“It’s inspiring to see local musicians and entertainers step up to help maintain and improve shared spaces that benefit everyone."

The gig will be hosted in the Old Pizzeria in the Wynnstay Hotel on 29 March at 7pm featuring local artists including touring folkman the Worldwide Welshman, string duo Nick Broster and Mike West, the Three Muppeters, DJ Steve Pick Up, as well as a raffle and “much more”.

There are even rumours that Machynlleth’s Mayor Jeremy Paige may reprieve his role as Asteroid J for the “BogFest”.

The toilets, owned by Powys County Council, were passed to Machynlleth Town Council to run several years ago as a county council cost saving measure.

However the town council have only been able to find enough money to cover some of the running costs for the year.

The working group are applying for funds to install payment gates, in the meantime relying on a donations box at the toilets.