A new public forum is launching this month calling all those who “want to see Machynlleth thrive”.

Organised by three locals inspired by community cohesion projects in places including Blanau Ffestiniog and Bangor, Bethan Rwth, Sienna Holmes and Alice Edwards have started Deor Dyfi (deor translating to incubate).

They will host quarterly events with guest speakers, with their first event in the Old Pizzeria at the Wynnstay Hotel on 25 March at 7pm.

Bethan said: “We know Machynlleth is a powerhouse of people with experience, skills, drive and passion.

“We know we’re not alone in our vision to see Machynlleth more resilient, wealthier, a place we can all benefit from.

“We want to create a space where all these many people can come together.”