WITH a north westerly wind blowing, eight Ystwyth Cycling Club riders avoided the rain to take on the rolling Cwm Rheidol 10 mile course, the 10th round of the Catalina Architecture Time Trial Series.

Caron Pugh showed his strength and consistency to take another win with a sub 22 minute time.

In second place, it was great to see Tony Jones back and testing his legs, with a strong 26.39 on his road bike. Completing the podium was Henry Moore, also on his road bike, who finished with a swift 27.41.

Again, it was a one woman race with Emma Palfrey riding strongly to cross the line with 26.14.

Great performances this week from David Bond, Mike Fitch and Martin Williams, all posting faster times on this course than previously.

Well done to all the riders and especially a thank you to Derek, Elaine, Rich and Andy for timekeeping and marshalling. Without the help each week the event would not be possible.

Round 10 Results – Cwm Rheidol 10 mile: Caron Owen Pugh 21.56, Emma Palfrey 26.14, Tony Jones R 26.39, Henry Moore R 27.41, David Bond R 28.06, Mike Fitch 29.18, Martin Williams R 30.49, Llyr Morgan R 32.32. (R = No TT bars)

Timekeepers: Derek Rattray & Elaine Rowlands