A DOZEN teams took on the 58 nautical miles from Fishguard to Pwllheli in the first Cardigan Bay Challenge on Saturday, 22 June.

Rowing through the night, with a relay of athletes taking their turns at the oars, the first boats reached Pwllheli shortly before 6am on Sunday.

The Aberystwyth team of Seb McBride, Ian Kavanagh, Bleddyn Jones, Sam Clemmens, Mel Hopkins, Warren Heaten, Pete Owen, Neil Smith and Dan Bohin posted a time of 12 hours, 22 minutes and three seconds, to win the veteran’s class.

Ably assisted by their support boats, the sailing catamaran Dream On berthed at Aberystwyth and RIB Sulis based at New Quay, Aberystwyth's boat, the long-serving and much loved Ceridwen, finished fifth of the 12 boats.

Crews reported varying sea states throughout the race. Rowers began in good conditions, but under cover of darkness a big swell conspired to make crew transfers between Ceridwen and her support vessels challenging. Conditions improved with the dawn as competing crews entered the final stages.

Aberystwyth's crew reported an enjoyable race, and welcomed the return of long-distance sea rowing to the Welsh Coast. They were also keen to praise the commitment of their support boat crews, who gave of their time and skills to make their race possible.

Aberystwyth's competition season is in full swing, and the club hosts its home regatta on 11 August.