Tom Williams is Trawsfynydd’s new site director.

Responsible for safely decommissioning the first generation nuclear and research sites across the UK, Nuclear Restoration Services announced the appointment.

Trawsfynydd is set for significant decommissioning works over the next few years, with Tom overseeing the daily management of the site, encouraging innovation and ensuring the health and wellbeing of all on site, the public and the environment.

A long-term rolling plan of decommissioning is in place for Trawsfynydd as the company’s lead and learn site. Key learning points and new technologies from the next phase of work will be replicated elsewhere within the fleet, including Wylfa on Ynys Môn.

Tom has over 14 years’ experience in various roles at Trawsfynydd, from radiation protection to lower and higher activity waste operations. During this time, he has had the opportunity to work on projects that have played a key role in the successful delivery of milestones and targets, such as the completion of fuel element debris and main sludge vault radioactive waste retrievals.

Tom said: “Having grown up and now living in Northwest Wales, with my parents originally from the area, I’m thrilled to have been given this opportunity. My mother was raised in Trawsfynydd, whilst my grandfather helped to build the power station back in the early 1960s, before working here as an engineer during the electricity generation phase until his retirement in 1997.

“Experiencing first-hand how Trawsfynydd has contributed over the years to the local economy as well as the surrounding communities makes me proud to know that I have now being given the opportunity to take the site forward to deliver the next phase of its lifecycle. I am keen to expand on our skilled workforce and want to inspire the next generation of nuclear workers from the Dwyfor-Meirionnydd areas to enable us to deliver our mission to safely decommission the site.

“We have an exciting 18 months ahead of us here at Trawsfynydd, with significant decommissioning and demolition projects just around the corner. These include completion of the Higher Active Waste Operations programme, the continuation of enabling works in preparation for the demolition of the Ponds complex, as well as the biggest skyline change the site has seen in a generation, the commencement of the Reactor Height Reduction programme. I can’t wait to start.”

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