A 53-year-old Machynlleth woman felt “lost and overwhelmed” before joining a menopause café.

Louise Jones is a private person, but felt compelled to speak about her menopause experience.

She felt suicidal when menopause-related health issues forced her to quit her nursery job last year. Then she heard about the Menopause Café at Machynlleth’s Taj Mahal Community Hub.

She’s only missed one session since February and says “there’s no other group nearby like it”.

“Going to the GP, they don’t seem to know much.

“I wasn’t in control of my life, my thoughts, my feelings, I thought I was going to end up in a mental hospital.

“We put our make-up on, nobody’s the wiser.

“It’s hard to open up but if we don’t no one will learn.

“I now tell my two daughters to take their health seriously and don’t try to persevere without treatment for so long like I did.”

The Community Hub said the most requested activity was for a menopause group.

The menopause can cause anxiety, mood swings, brain fog and hot flushes which the NHS states “can have a big impact on your life, including relationships and work”.

Awareness is rising, and the first menopause education and support network in parliament was announced in May.

Many are calling for attitudes to change in workplaces and healthcare, as many Machynlleth members felt forced to leave work, whilst others felt dismissed by GPs.

Sandra Bendelow who helped set up the group, said it has been essential for offering otherwise absent emotional and practical support.

She said: “The group has had a big impact on all of us. We feel strength in sharing our experiences in what can feel like an isolated and frustrating journey.

“I had many physical and emotional symptoms and medical professionals repeatedly gave me inaccurate diagnoses - I was told to do my own research.

“There is a lack of GP training on menopause and a lot of misinformation.

“Talking to others gave me the confidence to advocate for myself in conversations with doctors.”

The group, open to all ages and genders, meets on the third Tuesday of the month. The next meeting is 20 August, 7pm-8.30pm at the Taj Mahal.

A Menopause Walk is taking place on 10 August at 10am from the Taj Mahal, and a social at the Old Pizzeria at the Wynnstay Arms on 6 September at 7pm.

For more information contact [email protected].