Concerns have been raised that residents who don’t have access to the internet will lose out in a shake-up of how Powys County Council delivers its services.

Councillors were given an update on how the customer services review is coming along at an Economy, Residents and Communities scrutiny committee meeting on Monday, 15 July.

Once completed, the review would inform the council how to best structure its customer services.

The review is expected to be completed by March 2026.

Councillors received a presentation which explained feedback from the public when they were asked about the “principles” that customer services should be based upon.

The consultation showed that 97 per cent people who took part held “place” as their top principle.

The “digital” principle as a “primary solution” to deliver services had caused the most controversy, with 22 per cent of people disagreeing with it and 18 per cent of people neutral to it.

Committee chairwoman, Liberal Democrat Cllr Angela Davies said: “We are hearing a lot of people are still choosing face-to-face or in person.

“That’s not going to be possible in every region and area and under the Sustainable Powys four hub models, it’s going to be less likely.”