Not all councillors are happy with the “Sustainable Powys Programme Principles” it seems, as the plan was pulled from a Cabinet agenda at the last minute.

At a meeting of the Powys County Council’s Cabinet on Tuesday, 9 July senior councillors were expected to debate and agree the “principles” of the Sustainable Powys Programme.

But it was revealed that the item had been pulled from the agenda at the last minute – due to the need for more behind closed doors talks to take place.

Council leader Cllr James Gibson-Watt told members that while it was “rather late in the day”, the Cabinet had decided to defer the plan on the agenda “to the next meeting of cabinet pending a few issues and wrinkles we need to iron out which some members of cabinet are not very happy with.”

“Therefore, we just need to finalise those things before we come to consider it,” he said.

The “principles” will see the county divided into four quadrants called” core areas” by the council which will be centred on Brecon, Llandrindod Wells, Newtown, and Welshpool, with any services provided beyond the four towns would need to have “an approved business case to support it.”