Audit Wales has praised Powys Council for its approach to the use of digital technology.

A report about all 22 Welsh local authorities showed Powys Council views digital as pivotal for driving transformational improvement to all services.

Its digital strategy is supported by three business cases which set out funding over three years. The first two allocated over £5.2 million for 2019 to 2025 and the third has secured £3.9 million for the next four years.

The cases set out the risks, and possible mitigating actions. By allocating such funding to support their digital strategy, the council is increasing the likelihood it will deliver its aims.

Five key areas for improvement across Wales relate to evidence, collaboration, resourcing, impact and learning. These lessons will apply to each council differently.

Auditor General, Adrian Crompton said: “It will be important for councils to put value for money, both now and the longer term, at the heart of their work on digital transformation. Involving citizens and working with others will be key to that. I encourage them to consider the lessons and practice examples highlighted in the report as they continue to develop their work in this area.”