Machynlleth Town Council held a minute's silence for the passing of their colleague, councillor Michael Williams.

Michael Williams served as Powys County Councillor for 43 years, also sitting on Machynlleth’s Town Council.

Beginning the full council meeting on 29 July, Mayor Jeremy Paige gave a speech: “As a new councillor he was kind and supportive to me, he never pulled rank or ever thought that his vote was worth more than anyone else.

“We didn’t always agree but arguments were left in the chamber and nothing ever became personal or awkward.

“I accompanied him to many events and the warmth with which he was received everywhere was very special.

“It is said that no one can please all of the people all of the time but Michael’s charm and skill meant he came very close.

“There were tough calls he had to make across those 40+ years and he made them with good grace and vigour.

“He was a superb orator and goodness me - what a voice!

“Michael was busy quietly and modestly attending hundreds if not thousands of meetings, relentlessly supporting the town and countless organisations, teams, societies and local people.

“He was wise and kind and had a vision for the future - he also had a special respect for those who came before him and it is incumbent on us to continue his legacy.

“I can hear him now telling me to ‘Get on with it man!’ so I shall simply say, ‘Thank you, Michael’.

“It is the end of an era. You will be missed but you will not be forgotten.”

Others spoke at the first meeting since Cllr Williams' passing last week, describing him as a “font of local knowledge and care”, before a “moment of reflection” for all Cllr Williams had done for them and the town.

Interviewed in 2017, Cllr Williams said: “I was delighted to be returned again, it is an honour to represent Machynlleth

“I’m privileged to be able to do the job for the people of the town.

“Machynlleth is first, last and every position in between of the reasons I sit on the council.”