A budget surplus from last year should be used to fix potholes in Powys a senior councillor has urged.

Cabinet members received a report on the final position of Powys County Council’s budget for 2023/2024.

The council had achieved a surplus of just over £2.3 million on its total budget of £326.621 million for last year.

This figure will drop to £1.793 million when money is taken away from the total to be squirrelled away in council reserve accounts.

Finance portfolio holder, Labour’s councillor Cllr David Thomas explained that the report had been delayed due to the General Election which took place on 4 July 4.

Conservative group leader who is also the chairman of the Finance Panel which scrutinises the council’s finances, Cllr Aled Davies said: “£1.8 million would go quite some way to repair some potholes.

“I have residents in my ward that live along roads where potholes have not been plugged as emergency repairs for two years.

“One couple in particular, both have had serious operations and find it physically painful to travel along the roads because of the potholes.”

“That underspend would allow some repairs to be brought forward.”