An adult learning provision in Ceredigion has been told by inspectors that it must improve after a report found that there was a “lack of structure” in place, and that “current partnership working approaches are not effective”.

Ceredigion Adult Community Learning Partnership oversees the delivery of Welsh Government-funded adult learning in the community across Ceredigion and catered to 830 learners last year.

At the time of an Estyn inspection in February 2024, the Welsh Government community learning grant- funded adult learning in the community partners are Ceredigion County Council and Adult Learning Wales

The other significant delivery partner is Coleg Sir Gâr and Ceredigion, which offers GCSE and English for speakers of other languages classes.

Aberystwyth University and University of Wales Trinity St Davids also offer a very few classes through the partnership.

Estyn found several “shortcomings” in the partnership, and called for improvement.

“Overall, current partnership working approaches are not effective,” the report released last week said.

“There is currently no formal adult learning community partnership structure in place with representation from all partners to organise and support the work of the partnership.

“The partnership does not have a shared vision, partnership values or strategic plan.

“Partners do not routinely collaborate in evaluating the partnership’s provision and as a result they do not have a full and cohesive understanding of the partnership’s strengths and areas for improvement.

“The partnership has a useful quality development plan, but leaders do not currently have a structured monitoring process in place to support them in working towards achieving the targets in the plan, or of measuring impact.

“Strategic leaders from all three main providers recognise these shortcomings and are at the very early stages of beginning to address them.”

Estyn recommended that as well as developing a new “strategic plan”, the partnership needs to also “implement effective systems” to support and track the progress of learners with additional learning needs, and increase opportunities for Welsh speakers and Welsh learners.

Estyn placed the partnership in follow up and staff will draw up an action plan which shows how the partnership is going to address the recommendations.