ELECTION hopefuls will face questions from the public at a special Hustings at St Michael's Church in Aberystwyth next week.

As the 4 July General Election approaches, St Michael's Church has announced it will be hosting a Hustings for all the major candidates in the Ceredigion-Preseli constituency, on Thursday 27 June 2024 at 7.30pm.

Confirmed candidates looking for your vote include, Ben Lake of Plaid Cymru, Jackie Jones from Labour, Tomos Barlow of the Green Party, Mark Williams from the Liberal Democrats, Conservative candidate, Aled Thomas and Karl Pollard from Reform.

St Mike’s has a hearing loop, as well as disabled car parking spaces.

Questions to the candidates are encouraged to be submitted in advance.

They can be emailed to [email protected].

Speaking ahead of the event Revd Cei Rees, Vicar at St Mike’s said: “We are delighted that are able to offer space for this Hustings event.

"We are equally delighted that so many candidates are coming along.

"The freedom to vote is a real privilege. We want to encourage as many people as possible to ask questions, come along and hear from candidates.

"We hope that the evening will be both informative and respectful. This Hustings is an opportunity for us all to be part of the debate.”