Gwynedd residents lobbying against the anticipated introduction of the Article 4 Direction have raised all of the money needed for a Judicial Review.

£73,000 has been raised to support a claimant to bring a legal challenge against Article 4 which, if approved by Gwynedd Council, means planning permission will be needed to use properties as second homes or short-term holiday rentals.

Campaigners against it say it will make it extremely difficult for local residents to sell their properties, which will stagnate the property market and reduce the number of affordable homes at the bottom of the property ladder. The expert economic report they paid for, they say, predicts a 15 -25 per cent loss in value to every local homeowner.

They believe it will make it hard to get a mortgage, and impact pension plans/equity release, indirectly discriminating against older members of the community and complicate inheritance.

They say it will also impact tourism, lead to loss of revenue for Gwynedd and create a class system between properties.

Money for a judicial review has been raised in a variety of ways including donations and auctions.

Robin Finch from the People of Gwynedd Against Article 4 group said: “We have reached the total amount needed to support a claimant in a Judicial Review; work has already begun with the legal team.

“We are community, made up of Welsh, English and other and I couldn't be prouder of what we have accomplished together.

“Most of our members are local homeowners who for the last 10 months have been going through extreme stress brought on by Cyngor Gwynedd.

“While many in our group have varying political beliefs, we are united on this front. We care about a Gwynedd that works for everyone, we care about preserving the Welsh language and Welsh culture. We also want to see local people afforded the opportunity to have a well-paying job that will get them into their own home. Anyone who claims otherwise is stirring up hate and has no understanding of what we're fighting for. We're always happy to talk with anyone and explain the negative impact on our county if Article 4 goes forward.”

Solicitors are said to be ready to act if the council introduces the Article 4 direction, but Robin said: “We should not be having to spend our own money to support a legal challenge. Article 4 should not happening here.”

A Gwynedd Council spokesperson said: “A public engagement period was held on the introduction of the Article 4 Direction during August and September 2023 and all responses have received careful consideration.

“The matter was discussed at the Communities Scrutiny Committee on 16 May 2024 and the recommendations of the members of this committee will be included in the report which will be put before the council's Cabinet, for consideration on whether to confirm the Article 4 Direction. The Cabinet meeting will be held before the end of July. Due to the election period, the exact date of the meeting is yet to be determined.”