Tywyn and District History Society have been hearing all about Aneurin Bevan and the NHS.

At their meeting on 17 June, the society welcomed speaker Nick Thomas-Symonds for a presentation (by Zoom) entitled 'Bevan and the early NHS'.

Nick is chair of the Aneurin Bevan Society and author of the biography Nye.

The talk began with an exposition of the life of his subject. From a modest background Bevan overcame a childhood stutter to become a powerful and effective politician and enjoyed a distinguished and eminent career within the Labour party. However, the speaker concentrated mainly on what is seen as Bevan's greatest and enduring legacy, the creation of the NHS. A short discussion followed and Nick was warmly thanked.

After a break for refreshments Kirstie Harvey-Moore gave an illustrated presentation on the society's June trip to Gwydir Castle, which included a guided tour and cream tea and was much enjoyed by participants.

Secretary Quentin Deakin looked forward to the society's September trip to the Second World War secret factory at Rhydymwyn, for which he took bookings.

The next meeting will be on Monday, 15 July at 7pm at the Baptist Church. The speaker will be Hilly Janes, with a presentation entitled 'Dylan Thomas and his friends'.

Hilly is the author of ‘The Three Lives of Dylan Thomas’. As the daughter of Alfred Janes, a member of the Kardomah Gang, as well as life-long friend and associate of Thomas, Hilly has a strong family connection to her subject. Everyone is welcome.