Scientists in Aberystwyth are working on ways of creating new food out of bread crusts.

Academics at Aberystwyth University have shown that waste bread can be fermented into highly nutritious foods.

Bakery waste, particularly from bread, is a major global concern.

The new study is the first time academics have shown grass traditionally used for livestock production can be successfully fermented along with bread by fungi to make alternative proteins.

Dr David Bryant from IBERS said: “This is a real breakthrough that will hopefully tackle the growing global problem of wasted food.

“This research gives us a way of tackling that problem through fermentation. It is the use of grass that makes these findings a genuine first. The beauty of this method is that it can use that everyday plant to turn waste into new types of food for the growing world population.”

The type of fungi used in the scientists’ new fermentation is already widely used to produce tempeh, a vegetarian alternative to meat made from fermented cooked soya beans and which is widely eaten in parts of Asia.

Using the pilot-scale biorefining facility at AberInnovation, the scientific breakthrough takes advantage of solid-state fermentation, which is more environmentally friendly and produces less wastewater than other methods.

Professor Anne Ferguson-Smith, BBSRC Executive Chair, said: "Embracing innovative approaches like this not only helps to combat food waste but also pioneers new ways to sustain our growing population with nutritious alternatives.

“This latest research from IBERS, one of BBSRC's strategically supported research institutes, epitomises the type of transformative science BBSRC invests in to foster sustainable and resilient food systems across the UK and around the world.”

As the study continues, researchers will consider how they can change the flavours and improve the taste of the alternative proteins produced by the fermentation.