A talk at the National Library of Wales in Aberystwyth will reveal more about Blaenau Ffestiniog’s role is painting preservation during the Second World War.

The talk, A Museum under a Mountain: The National Gallery’s Wartime Home, takes place on Tuesday, 25 June at 5pm.

The story of the slate mine at Manod near Blaenau as a hiding place for the National Gallery’s paintings during the Second World War is relatively well-known. How they ended up there, however, is another story.

This talk will tell how paintings left London on the eve of war in total secrecy for various locations in Wales, and how their eventual fate could have been very different.

The talk will be illustrated with historical archive material and recent photographs of the inside of the Manod slate mine.

This event is free, but please consider making a donation.

Every contribution helps the library carry out its work. TO book tickets visit www.ticketsource.co.uk/booking/select/EcSlkaOGFPpQ