PUPILS at Ysgol Gyfun Penweddig have scooped the top prize in a UK-wide enterprise competition.

A group of pupils from years 10 and 12, the ‘Llanw’ Team, created a recipe book called “Sbarion – Datrysiad i Wastraff”, which offers ideas for using left-over food, in order to tackle the cost-of-living crisis as well as reducing the negative impact on the environment.

They were one of 13 finalists from across the UK in the Young Enterprise business development competition and came away with two awards for the ‘Best use of Technology and Innovation’ and ‘Company of the Year’.

The book was published bilingually, but it also contains innovative developments.

By clicking on the QR codes you can access various blogs produced by these pupils, which are updated from time to time where you can cook along with the pupils.

The pupils will now go on to complete in the European round in Sicily next month.

Clive Williams, Corporate Lead Officer for School Services said: “I am so pleased to hear about the amazing success of these your pupils.

“Ceredigion as a county, benefits so much from the enterprise and success of our small prosperous businesses, and it’s good to know that our next generation is continuing in this tradition.”