There are exciting times ahead for a Felin-fach based translation company.

Thanks to funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund which is administered by Cynnal y Cardi for Ceredigion County Council, Cyfiaith, has just taken delivery of new simultaneous translation equipment that will enhance and improve its offer in this field.

Cyfiaith is a partnership between Sian Eleri Jones and Heledd Williams, with an office in Bryn Salem, Felin-fach.

It was originally established as an unit within a larger parent-company almost 25 years ago and became an independent company in its own right in September 2009. The company provides written and simultaneous translation services to a wide range of clients across Wales.

Company Director, Sian Eleri Jones, who heads up the company’s simultaneous translation service was delighted: “We’re very grateful to have received funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund via Cynnal y Cardi. It has allowed us to invest in and improve our service. It’s something we’ve been wanting to do for a long time, and this funding opportunity has made it possible for us to purchase the latest, newly-designed equipment.”

The simultaneous translation equipment was provided by Sound Induction Systems from Newtown, who were also responsible for its development and design.

“It’s great that we were able to keep the money in mid Wales and source the equipment from an innovative and pioneering Welsh company that is a leading provider of specialist audio equipment,” said Heledd.

Cyfiaith’s project has received £7,540 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and has consequently been able to more than double the number of headsets it has at its disposal.

“We now have 60 headsets which will hopefully open up new opportunities for us and allow us to provide our services at larger events whilst continuing to provide a quality service to our existing clients,” added Sian.

“Covid obviously meant that we were unable to provide our services at in-person meetings and events, so the last few years have been a period of rebuilding and re-establishing those professional relationships. Hopefully, this injection will enable us to expand and develop our services.”