A Ceredigion youngster has taken to the skies on a residential gliding scholarship.

Penglais High School pupil, Justin Bennett, is taking part in a two week residential gliding scholarship.

The scholarship is being supported by Boeing, and was awarded by The Air League scholarship award, first reported in the ‘Cambrian News’ on 19 June 2024.

Flying in the front seat of an ASK-21 Glider throughout week one, Justin achieved a height of 3,800 feet in an area restricted to 4,000 feet, travelled at 115mph while practising stalls recovery, learnt to turn and to fly straight and also learnt how to land.

Throughout the week, the Aberystwyth school pupil has experienced both ground winch launching and aerotow, being towed off the airfield by a propeller aeroplane.

The Alexander-Schleicher ASK-21 is a two-seater glider. No other two-seater has turned such a larger number of students into solo pilots.

The nine scholars participating on the current Air League Scholarship have been divided into three groups, with two instructors from The London Gliding Club assigned to each group.

Both The Air League and Boeing have a Social Media presence if readers wish to find out more about the scholarships or the organisations.