AT the latest Sarn Helen offering, the Cwmann 5 mile race, there was a £50 prize on offer for anyone who could break Aberystwyth Athletic Club’s Aled Hughes’ course record of 28.22, set in 2017.

Another Aber AC athlete in the form of Owain Schiavone duly delivered, completing the course in an incredible time of 28.13, ten seconds ahead of local rival Dylan Lewis.

Aberystwyth Athletic Club’s Llyr ab Einion and Ian Evans also finished in the top 10 with times of 31.26 and 31.48 respectively.

Stephen Thomas finished in 36.53 with Dave Humphreys crossing the line in 41.47 and Deian Creunant finishing in 42.23.

Paul Rose completed the course in 43.56, Theresa Sharland 44.34, Michelle Totterdell 45.32 and Cara Nisbet crossed the line in 48.01.

There was also a record number of entries with 97 runners completing the undulating course and Owain was delighted with the win and the course record.

He said: “I’m not sure what Sarn Helen’s secret is but in a year of very unsettled weather they have managed to secure lovely, dry weather for nearly all of their races.

“This creates a lovely carnival atmosphere with the junior races as well being held. I am naturally delighted with the win and the course record and Dylan’s presence pushing me all the way was undoubtedly a great help.”

The Ogi Porthcawl 10K is an exciting race in the seaside town known for its surf, sports and coastal walks and the sun shone brightly for the event this year.

Four Aber AC runners made the journey southwards with Paul Williams leading the Aber team home in a PB time of 36.56, securing an age category win in the process.

Edd Land finished in 38.25 with Lina Land in 52.29 and Julie Williams completing the course in 1.04.44.

A lovely day out by the seaside according to Paul Williams who said: “This a great event with over 3,700 runners taking part.

The weather was very good and it really showed off the recognisable landmarks in the area including Rest Bay, Trecco Bay and the picturesque town centre.

“It was good to see Aber represented and delighted with my PB and category win.”

Another popular 10k race is held in Shrewsbury and attracts over 1,300 runners.

Paul Jones made the journey across to represent Aber AC and came away with an excellent time of 39.07 ensuring 2nd in his age category.

Paul was naturally very happy: “This is a great race, although a bit hilly and it is quite a tough course. Good to be here though in the blue of Aber and 2nd in my category is not a bad return.”

Aber’s Ceris Williams and Mel Gaul fancied something slightly different and they took on the Deadly Dozen in Macclesfield and they came away with an age category win.

Ceris explains how it worked: “We competed as a pair and the event comprised of 12 x 400m track runs.

“But in  between each lap was a labour element of farmer’s walk, deadlift, lunges, push press, overhead carry, burpee broad jump, bear walk, squats, devils press, front carry, dumb bell snatch, and plate to overhead with the weights varying from 6kg to 24kg.

“A very different experience but thoroughly enjoyable.”

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