A KEY date in the Aberystwyth Athletic Club’s calendar is that of the annual Ron Cullum race, a five-mile club challenge organised in memory of one of Aberystwyth Athletic Club’s founder members.

On a dry summer’s evening, a rarity in itself, Aber AC members lined up on the promenade to try and win the coveted trophy.

This event usually attracts Aber AC’s top runners and this was the case again this year as Owain Schiavone took 1st prize finishing in a time of 27:47.

Left, Theresa Sharland receivng her trophy from Ian Evans; right, Dave and Paul raring to go at Poppit Sands
Left, Theresa Sharland receivng her trophy from Ian Evans; right, Dave and Paul raring to go at Poppit Sands (Photo supplied)

Edd Land was next in  29:24 closely followed by Aled Hughes in a time of 29:41.

The Pauls followed, Paul Williams in 30:30 and Paul Jones in 31:13. Damian Sidnell finished in 34:15 and hot on his heels was Roger Taylor-Matthews in 34:20 and Balazs Pinter in 34:49.

Owain was very happy to take the shield home: “It was a humid night to run and try and get a decent time and I was quite a bit off the course record. But knowing who was chasing me, I knew I had to push all the way and delighted to get the win and my name on the shield again.”

Mel Hopkins crossed the line in 38:07 with Deian Creunant in 41:30 closely followed by Peter Hinxman in 41:53. Theresa Sharland was the first female home in a time of 44:12 followed by Ruth Flatman in 44:47 and Peter Barber in 45:24. Chelsey Morris finished in 48:05 and Adam Cowdrey crossed the finih line in a time of 48:18.

Owain Schiavone receiving his trophy from Ian Evans
Owain Schiavone receiving his trophy from Ian Evans (Photo supplied)

Theresa was equally delighted to take the female trophy: “This is an important milestone in the club’s racing calendar.

“I managed to get my name on the shield last in 2017 so it’s great to be on there again. I have had a few injuries in the past months that has hampered my training but I have kept going and this is a great reward.”

A few miles down the coast, the second of the three Poppit Sands 5k races were held and Aber duo Dave Humphreys and Paul Rose represented the club with Dave finishing in a time of 27.07 and Paul finishing in 28.43.

Paul said: “This is a beautiful location as many who know Poppit Sands can testify. Starting on the road and the hard surface is pretty easy but once you hit the sand you feel the energy being sapped from your legs. The pain does ease somewhat however when you see the Crwst café offerings at the end!”

If you would like to hear more about Aberystwyth Athletic Club and join in its activities visit aberystwythac.wordpress.com or find the club on Facebook.