There’s plenty to celebrate in this week’s column as we got back to winning ways on Sunday after a tough few weeks for the girls, and with International Women’s Day here!

We beat Barry Town in a comprehensive 3-0 win on Sunday. After being knocked out of two semi-finals and losing in the first game of phase two in the last three weeks, confidence in camp was low and we knew we needed to pull together to grab a much-needed three points. The girls did just that and we left the pitch victorious (and relieved!) and ready to bounce into the Central Wales Cup semi-final next Sunday.

Today is International Women’s Day, a day when we recognise and celebrate the inspirational women in our lives. Whether that’s a mum or grandma, a teacher or mentor, or a famous role model, we can all think of at least one woman who has inspired us. We acknowledge the trailblazers such as Laura McAllister and the women who lobbied for FAW recognition of women’s football and Helen Ward, Wales’ all-time record goal scorer. But we also take a look closer to home.

Women’s football in Wales has come a long way. The days of going unnoticed, not being allowed to play on the sacred grass of Park Avenue, and wearing an oversized kit handed down from the men’s team are long gone.

We changed that. Aberystwyth Town Women, for me, are the most inspirational of them all. My teammates are fighters and grafters, they are strong, resilient and committed. Their dedication to training sessions and games, despite the travelling and the sacrifices they make on a weekly basis, are incredible. Even when it seems like the odds are stacked against us, they turn up ready for battle, and always give it their all.

Girls – your captain is proud of you!