Aberystwyth Town Women’s popular and award-winning girls’ football camps have received a boost - thanks to a former Aberystwyth University student.

Daniel Head - who studied criminology in the town between 2009 and 2012 - is now managing director of Headway Food Service, who will be the camps’ partner for the next year.

Daniel Head, managing director Headway Food Service
Daniel Head, managing director Headway Food Service Submmiyed

More than that, Headway will also be funding some places at the next camps to ensure that every girl is able to attend - regardless of means and her family’s financial situation.

“I loved my time in Aberystwyth,” said Head, who now lives in Wiltshire.

“It’s tough times for people and it’s great to be able to give back to the town, the community, and Aberystwyth Town Women in this way.”

The next girls’ football camp - with first-team players leading the coaching - is on Wednesday, 1 November (half-day £12.50, full day £25).

Email [email protected] to find out more or to express an interest in the funded places.