CARDIGAN Bay Regatta at New Quay was a great place to be sailing last week – and very different from most of the previous six weeks of rain and wind that had marked a miserable summer so far.
The numbers of cruiser/keelboat competitors were up on 2023 – with 14 entries total and seven Hawk 20s providing close class racing - the conditions were highly enjoyable too.
There were no cruiser feeder races from around Cardigan Bay this year because of poor weather on the Thursday and the larger keel-boats had to be content with just two days of racing round the cans.
The 15 or so dinghies, however, enjoyed three whole days of thrilling ‘champagne’ sailing and visitors were welcomed from Cardiff, Neyland, Derbyshire and even Germany.
They were also joined by their friends from Aberaeron YC who braved the obstacle course of their harbour’s new breakwater works to sail down the coast.

The inshore and family events were well supported and were great fun - including sea swimming races for all ages, SUP races and sandcastle building etc.
The prizes were presented by out-going RNLI Station Manager, Roger Couch, on the Saturday main day and RNLI Second Coxswain, Huw Williams, on Sunday, marking the unique occasion this year when the whole RNLI Station team was invited to be the Regatta Presidents.
In the IRC keelboat fleet, Crawford McLeary's Sprite, Blue Tack (James family), Seren DPD (Tom Powell), Ettie (Rosie Davies) and Steve Berry’s Bobble (all Hawk 20s) had a right old ‘ding-dong’ over the weekend, with Steve Berry (Welsh Hawk Champion 2024) (2,1,1,1) emerging as top dog from Nick James (1,2,2,2) in this growing class - although it could have gone either way on the last race.

These boats along with Drychin Bach (modified Hunter Duette) of Jonathan Price-Jones, Carl Rich’s Blythe Spirit (Parker 285), Andy Evans’ Rev Band (Parker 27) and Hefin and Emyr Davies’ Harlequin (Westerly Konsort) also had a great four races of competition, swapping places behind Sam Coles’ and Douggie Lloyd-Haynes’s Katabatic (FC8), Chris Seal’s Brainstorm (Super Seal 26) and Rodmar (a modified Fulmar 32) sailed by the indestructible Christine Willis and her son Mark.
The main day races for ‘big cups’ were shared between Katabatic and Brainstorm but after four close races, Brainstorm (1,1,2,3) was narrowly crowned overall champion by 1 point from Katabatic (1,1,3,3) - once again going to the last race. Rodmar was close behind in third.
Great racing! Rodmar was first bilge-keeler and Drychin Bach, in fourth, was the first boat under 23 feet.
Once again this year, the committee agreed to start the last races back-to-back to allow boats to get back on their moorings in time for a forecast F8 blow overnight; a level of flexibility that was most welcome.
In the non-IRC keelboat fleet, using the Byron system, Horizon (Davies family) were winners from Mathilde (Jon Simson) and Hawkeye (Hopkins family) all NQYC.
In the dinghies, the first of three days started with a cracking 15-20 knot breeze but in the middle of race two, it built to 25-30kts with 2-3m waves in the tidal back-eddy and racing was abandoned after most of the fleet either went swimming or broke something.
Day 2 started wet and miserable but with a decent breeze again – this time after lunch, the sun came out, the wind dropped and all races were completed.
The third day was a stunner with blue seas and skies (along with the ever-present dolphins).
Overall, the single-handers were dominant once again but Martin Wood and Sarah Skinner in an RS200 (NQYC) and Peter and Evelyn/Ben Rawsthorne in a well-preserved and well-handled Miracle (Neyland YC) gave them a good run for their money.
The silverware was shared about but the clear winner overall was Dan Powell (Welsh Youth ILCA Squad Member) in a smoothly-sailed Laser Radial/ILCA 6 and he was also first youth.
He pushed Peter Rawsthorne and team into second overall. Third were Martin Wood and Sarah Skinner who sailed a consistent series, as did Paul Sadler in a standard Laser (NQYC).
Although not competing in each series race, Iain Wilson in a Supernova (NQYC) was obviously a contender to for ‘hot shot' sailor as he came away with race wins and silverware in the races that he did enter.
nother ‘young gun’ and current Welsh Topper Youth Champion, Steffan Williams (NQYC) came late to the party (having just been crowned Welsh Youth Topper Champion) but he made his mark in the three races on the last day.
Not far behind Dan, Iain and Steffan in terms of skill was Nik Diesterman from Germany (in a rented Laser from the Cardigan Bay Water-Sports Centre).
First Lady was Sara Rumball (Laser 4.7/ILCA 4) from Ogston SC in Derbyshire and overall Master was Paul Sadler (NQYC) in a Std Laser/ILCA7). Amanda MacIntyre and Tamara Jane, new to racing in recent months, showed great fortitude and perseverance, sailing all three days in a Laser 2k whilst learning all the time, and they were awarded the prize for ‘best effort’.
They were also blessed with a fleeting appearance by Tim Jeremy in his Weta Trimaran (fleeting – because he was often clocked at 20 knots; if you blinked, you missed him!)
There was super work done by the safety crews and race committee along with their support teams over three long days which was much lauded.
NQYC bar staff kept us ‘hydrated’ and ‘Get the Drift’ provided superb food once again.
Foot-tapping evening entertainment of singing/dancing was to local songster Chris Kelly late into the Saturday.
They are already looking forward to CBR next year – the provisional dates of which are 14-16 Aug 2025.
Overall IRC: 1, Brainstorm (Super Seal 26) Chris Seal - NQYC/RAFSA; 2, Katabatic (First Class 8) Sam Coles/Douggie Lloyd-Haynes - NQYC; 3, Rodmar (mod Fulmar 32) Christine/Mark Willis – AYC/NQYC; 4, Drychin Bach (mod Duette 22) Jonathan Price-Jones – AYC/NQYC
Hawk 20: 1, Bobble - Steve Berry/Simon Cox/Justin Davies/Emma etc - NQYC; 2, Blue Tack – Nick, Alison and Tilly James – NQYC; 3, Sprite – Crawford McLeary/Kat Dawes/Sarah Skinner etc NQYC
Overall Byron (non-IRC): 1, Horizon (Jeanneau Sun 2000) Davies Family – NQYC; 2. Mathilde (Hunter Channel 27) Jon Simpson - NQYC
Overall Dinghies: Dan Powell (LaserR/ILCA 6) - Cardiff Bay YC; Peter Rawsthorne/Evelyn& Ben (Miracle) - Neyland YC; Martin Wood and Sarah Skinner (RS200) - NQYC; Paul Sadler (Std Laser/ILCA7) - NQYC
1st Youth – Dan Powell - CBYC
1st Master – Paul Sadler New Quay YC
1st Lady – Sara Rumball – Ogston SC