EIGHT Ystwyth Cycling Club riders were treated to a gap in the weather and avoided the rain, for the last chance to test themselves on the Cwm Rheidol course this year in the Catalina Architecture & Design time trials.

Caron Pugh convincingly took the win but was unable to match his club record set last year, a tantalisingly 26 seconds away. Arwel Wyn Jones placed second on the night with a strong ride, and completing the podium, and setting a new V60 record in the process, Glyn Williams.

In the women’s event, Lowri Richards, showing her form this season took the win. Emma Palfrey placed second on the poduim and Anita took the third spot.

There was no stopping David Bond, knocking more time off his personal best. It was also great to welcome Paul Gough this week, testing himself on the Ystwyth course.

With only two events left in the series, it’s the last chance for riders to test themselves on the Llety Gwyn course next week (28 August) and the infamous 1 mile Clarach Hill Climb (4 September).

Round 17 Results – Cwm Rheidol 10 mile: Caron Owen Pugh 21.54; Arwel Wyn Jones 24.40; Glyn Williams R 25.25; Lowri Richards 26.04; Emma Palfrey 26.51; David Bond R 27.16; Paul Gough 27.53; Anita Saycell 28.01