TWO of Aberystwyth Athletic Club’s athletes represented their club and country recently at the Mid Cheshire Summer 5k race.

In a star-spangled event, which attracted almost 1,000 top club and elite athletes over a fast and flat course, the quality of the entries from all around the UK was highlighted by the first 46 runners all dipping under 15 minutes.

Tracey Breedon clocked 20 minutes in her F45 age category coming in 13th with Maggie Collingborn finishing in 22.18 and securing 7th in her category.

Tracey was delighted to have the chance to wear the red of Wales.

She said: “I’m at the very end of my marathon training block so have not done much speed work, but I desperately didn’t want to miss out on wearing the red vest.

“I’ve hardly done any speed work since April because of hamstring issues, so to finish in that time was absolutely fabulous.”

In Aberystwyth, the Rali Bae Ceredigion has been hitting the headlines, but Aber AC never miss an opportunity, and with the town roads closed, a one mile race was organised for youngsters and adults alike – a lovely event that gave runners the opportunity to run on closed roads and go nearly as fast as the cars!

In the ladies race, Sally Hughes came in first with Lisa Bloemberg second and Rowan Agate finishing in third place.

In the men’s race Julien Brun came in first, closely followed by Richard Anthony in second place and Neil Jones in third place.

In the boys race, first home was Aled Jones, second was Moi Schiavone and Max Vicary in third place.

Yasmin Evans was the first girl home with Lottie Munton second and Rhiannon Starr in third place.

The race was organised by Aber AC’s Shelley Childs who felt it was a chance to add onto the success of a great Aber event.

Shelley said: “Rali Ceredigion is a great event, which showcases the town to a worldwide audience.

“We were delighted when the organisers approached us, offering the opportunity once again to take advantage of the closed roads and giving our runners the chance to take part in a unique occasion.

“Many thanks to all involved who helped make this possible and we can hopefully do the same again next year.”

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