THE Newport Running Festival has something for everyone, a marathon, half marathon and 10k race and in the most recent festival Aberystwyth Athletic Club was represented in all three races.

Neil Gamble completed the marathon in a time of 3.31.43 with Chelsey Morris finishing in 4.14.20 although these times may be amended due to the course being measured wrongly and the times may come down.

Lynwen Huxtable at the Birmngham 10k
Lynwen Huxtable at the Birmngham 10k (Pic supplied)

Lynsey Gamble completed the half marathon in 2.34.23 and only two weeks after the Boston marathon Paul Williams secured a 10k pb in 37.46 and 1st in his age category while Lina Land crossed the line in 50.07.

The finish time was great for Neil Gamble but it was quite a challenge: “The race started off fine but by miles 13-14 I started to get the first twinges of cramp.

“I maintained as much effort as I could until around mile 20 when the cramps put a stop to all effort and I cruised the last few miles nursing cramps.”

Tracey Breedon, Lina Land and Edd Land at the Cardiff 5k
Tracey Breedon, Lina Land and Edd Land at the Cardiff 5k (Pic supplied)

The Cardiff Race for Victory 5k annually attracts a strong field of runners with three from Aber AC among them.

Edd Land finished in a time of 17:23, Tracey Breedon secured her first sub-20 minute 5k in a time of 19:38 while Lina Land smashed her sub 25 second target in a time of 24:03.

Tracey was delighted to get under 20 minutes: “This event is a challenge but it is also great fun. I finally managed to get the monkey off my back and hit the sub-20 minute 5K. It was starting to seem far too elusive, despite moving closer to it each time! But the calibre of runners in this race pushes you on and that made a huge difference for me.”

Lynwen Huxtable and Owain Schiavone with the Wales team at Birmingham
Lynwen Huxtable and Owain Schiavone with the Wales team at Birmingham (Pic supplied)

Owain Schiavone and Lynwen Huxtable proudly travelled to Birmingham with their Wales vests to run in the A J Bell 10k race.

Owain finished in a wonderful 21st position in a time of 33.46 while Lynwen posted a great personal best time of 44.28, very good going considering the heat.

She said: “We have all been complaining about the bad weather over recent months so I shouldn’t really complain when we get some sunshine but it did mean this race proved quite a challenge in the heat.

“I was very proud though to wear the red vest of Wales and represent Aber AC on the national stage. And coming away with a 10k pb was lovely bonus.”