Are Welsh Conservatives under the impression that the Welsh Government is flush with cash? How many Members of the Senedd from the Tory party have tried to call an ambulance, waited in a crowded A&E department, or have relatives or indeed constituents who waited days to try and find a bed -- in a ward in a hospital without RAAC?

And as much as this publication is loathe to see higher taxes, the reality is that the planned tourism tax makes sense.

Last week, the Senedd roundly rejected Conservative calls to ditch that tax and, to that end, this publication believes that was the right thing to do?

There are too many towns and villages, too many communities, up and down west Wales that have been hollowed out as a result of second home owners. And while those property owners pay more in takes -- and rightly so -- our communities and those who can’t afford to buy their own family homes, are paying a high price for being tourist hot spots.

No sooner will that sentence have been read that many will say they are providing employment to ‘locals’. You can’t get a mortgage on minimum wage jobs in bars, shops and hotels -- even if you can find a cheap enough property.

So a tourism levy makes sense.

It make sense because it tops up our broke local governments, allowing them to maintain roads and at least provide the barest of services in this region all year round.

The new levy will be a small fee for visitors staying overnight in tourism accommodation – from 2027. The Tories fear that the tax could make people think twice about holidaying in Wales, which would have a significant impact on tourism and hospitality businesses.

The reality is if you’re coming to Wales to holiday and spend money, a little bit of your budget needs to fund this nation and its broke councils. If you’re going to the Costa del Sol, that happens. So why not the Costa del Cymru too?