I was disappointed to read that we could be heading for the lowest general election turnout in modern history, with apathy among young voters being particularly high. 

It will be fascinating to see what the final figures do reveal and whether the pollsters got it right. I do hope not. It would really sadden me if it were the case because I grew up in a culture that valued all that John Frost fought for.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not talking about that ‘chilling figure’ that we all try to avoid in the depths of winter. I am referring to the famous Chartist Leader from Newport (Monmouthshire) who campaigned for the right of all men to have the vote and was the last men in Britain to be sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered.

Thankfully he wasn’t, although he did have to endure the pain of transportation and exile before being granted an unconditional pardon that allowed him to return to Britian. He probably jumped for joy when he heard that good news, but I get the feeling he would have been just as thrilled if he had known that women would finally be given the right to choose those who govern them too.

Given all this it should come as no surprise to you that I take voting seriously. But this is not the only reason. I am convinced that my faith compels me to do it too.

Christians will differ over which particular candidate to support of course but the Bible makes it clear that they are to pray for them as well as do everything they can to make this world a better place. They should be prepared to challenge them when they believe that is necessary too, because in the final analysis we will all have to give an account to God for the things we say and do.

 We are all accountable for the way we relate to Jesus too because none of us can dodge the question He once put to His disciples: “Who do you say I am?’.  The apostle Peter was in no doubt. He replied that He was the long-awaited Jewish Messiah. In other words, Peter was telling the young carpenter from Galilee that he believed He would rule the world. Now that was a staggering admission, and it was one that would ultimately cost him his life.

I believe we all need to spend a little time reflecting on Peter’s confession because if he was right then we must acknowledge Jesus as our rightful king. Opting out is not an option. We either obey or disobey Him.  

We’re free to make our own decisions of course. That is our God-given privilege and one that should definitely be defended. In fact, it took me a very long time to cast my vote in favour of Jesus. It worries me though, that lots of people seem to spend more time reflecting on political issues than they do thinking about Him. That is particularly sad because the stakes are much higher, and the promises infinitely more reliable. So how do we explain it?  I can only conclude that it’s yet more proof that there is ‘nowt so queer as folk’.