The Welsh are not strangers to having their land and resources such as water and coal being used for the enrichment of others. Are people aware though of a scheme that will see Wales being used in order to expand the US’s influence in space? Sounds like science fiction, doesn’t it. Sadly, it’s the truth. Plans for a 27 giant dish radar network on St David’s peninsula at Cawdor Barracks are well beyond the drawing board.

This Deep Space Advanced Radar Capability (DARC) idea was conceived in the 1980s. After huge protests from locals, the then Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, quashed the plan in 1991. Reading the history of DARC on the excellent PARC against DARC website, I’m impressed with the help locals received from Neil Kinnock, then leader of the Labour Party, bishops, environmental organisations as well as the Council for National Parks. How quiet many of them are now.

DARC is part of a US programme called Space Domain Awareness (SDA). Apart from the US there are the Australian partners and the UK. Having three DARCs allows the Military to spot football-sized objects in space 22,000 miles away. The UK’s previous Defence Secretary, Grant Shapps, stated that the system would be “constantly tracing threats.”

With President Trump’s unpredictability, it’s hard to know who he considers to be a threat, China for sure and Iran but Russia? On 27 January 2025 he said, “I will direct our Military to begin construction of the great Iron Dome missile defense shield,” copying the name of the Israeli system.

Trump has his eyes on the Panama Canal, Greenland, Canada, the Gaza strip and Ukraine’s minerals. His expansionist desires are very worrying.

Plaid Cymru and the Welsh Greens have spoken out against DARC. Labour is in favour. The new Defence Secretary, John Healey, says, “This new radar programme will enhance our awareness of deep space and protect our space assets alongside our closest partners.” For assets, read satellites. Back in 1985 the US successfully launched an anti-satellite missile.

DARC will be able to track enemy objects such as satellites and guide missiles to destroy them despite three UN Treaties (2002, 2008, and 2014) to stop this kind of weaponising of space.

There’s a huge problem for all humanity should satellites get destroyed. It’s known as the Kessler Syndrome. Space debris from a destroyed satellite bumps into other satellites causing more debris, and so forth, you get the picture. There’s already a worrying amount of space debris orbiting our planet without anyone deliberately adding to it. There may come a point where space is no longer safe for satellites, resulting in no modern telecommunications, weather forecasts and environmental monitoring.

There are many other problems associated with DARC such as the well-researched dangers from radiation nearby, and worries over the effects upon tourism and subsequent jo blosses. PARC against DARC details the lot and argue: It’s not just wrong in Pembrokeshire; it’s wrong for Everywhereshire.

For me, the most important reason against DARC is the ramping up of control, the notion that the US can lord it over the rest of us. It’s a horrid reminder of the Cold War and its nuclear arms race. I’ve met long-term peace campaigner Jill Evans on many occasions. I agree with her when she calls DARC a “threat to Wales and to the world, an attempt to control things happening in space.” Working FOR peace is difficult but we have to try. Let’s not help Trump expand his influence in places on the planet and certainly not help him with his ambitions in space too. Please oppose DARC.

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