If ever there was confirmation needed once more that this region of Wales is treated no better than a Third World country, then look to blindingly short-sighted decision by directors at Hywel Dda University Health Board who are closing our childrens’ ward at Bronglais Hospital in Aberystwyth.

From now on, sick children who require an overnight hospital stay won’t be able to stay at the Bronglas childrens’ ward, a decision made by the directors in the face of warnings of a “huge, irreversible impact on the children and families of Ceredigion.”

And not just in Ceredigion either.

For those living in Gwynedd. they will now face a 160-mile round trip to get to Carmarthen. In times of crisis, illness and sudden sickness, this is a journey fraught with danger.

Indeed, it is the opinion of this newspaper that the decision to close the ward amounts to a dereliction of duty and care by the directors, and time will shortly tell if those directors should face legal consequences for their irresponsible decision. God forbid that a sick child dies en route or distraught parents are in an accident, then lawyers rightly will have a field day.

The board members decided to remove beds from Angharad ward for six months due to a lack of nurses, and sick children who require an overnight hospital stay won’t be able to stay at the ward.

Should those directors be smug enough to think that they are acting in the board’s interests - it faces a deficit of £80 million - they are not. Far from it.

Removing this ward is a critical decision, one with ramifications across all of west and mid Wales. Its consequences should rest not with the board but with Cardiff Bay and London.

Much has been made of the fact that there are two Labour Governments now in power, and they say they want to act in partnership. Now, particularly given the critical position facing Hywel Dda, it would a good time indeed to put their money where their mouth is. And keep the ward open.

Anything else is irresponsible.