The Government at Westminster is seeking, as a matter of urgency, to redefine what constitutes domestic violence.

The new definition of domestic abuse will include coercive behaviours - where partners are psychologically, financially and emotionally abused, and the crime would also, obviously, include acts of violence.

This publication urged the Labour Government to move with haste in bringing about the legislation to make this happen at the earliest possible opportunity.

More, however, needs to be done to support older women who experience domestic abuse and sexual violence too. All too often, these are women who have suffered too long in silence and it’s high time their trials ended.

Over a period of almost four years, the Dewis Choice project team at Aberystwyth University has recorded the stories of three older women who have experienced domestic abuse and sexual violence within their marriages, and the perspectives of practitioners supporting them.

Aged between 61 and 89, all three women were referred to Dewis Choice for support after experiencing years of domestic abuse and sexual violence.

Their accounts provide detailed insights into the nature and impact of domestic abuse and sexual violence within the context of marriage and its immediate and long-term impacts.

The research, which was funded by the National Lottery Community Fund, also examines what factors influence older victim-survivors seeking help, and the support services available to them when they do.

By bringing this issue to light, the team is seeking to amplify the voices of older female victim-survivors, addressing a significant gap in research.

We believe no woman or partner, regardless of age, should be left behind.

Traditional societal attitudes and expectations towards marriage and gender roles can have a lasting impact on older women’s expectations of support, leaving some feeling they have no choice but to continue to live with the abuse.

That isolation needs to end, and the researchers deserve full kudos for highlighting this forgotten sector.

Right now, there is a lack of specialised support services for older people who have encountered sexual violence, despite the fact that their experiences and subsequent needs may differ from those of younger women.