An Aberystwyth secondary school, where pupils’ well-being “is given a prominent place” and “significant improvements” have been made in attendance, has received the thumbs-up from inspectors.

Estyn visited Ysgol Penweddig in October, and in an inspection report said that “caring for pupils’ well-being is given a prominent place” at the school.

The report said that “many pupils demonstrate respect for each other and positive attitudes to learning” and added that Penweddig’s sixth-form pupils “are an asset to the school and model very positive behaviours and attitudes for younger pupils.”

Inspectors found that “robust arrangements for monitoring and promoting pupils’ attendance have led to significant improvements.”

While the report said that “overall, many pupils make satisfactory progress in their literacy, numeracy and digital competence skills over time,” inspectors warned that “provision across the curriculum is not co-ordinated well enough to ensure that there are appropriate opportunities to develop these skills progressively.”

The report added that “the provision for pupils with Additional Educational Needs is a strength at Penweddig”, where “beneficial intervention sessions ensure that pupils receive appropriate support.”

“Effective transition arrangements between primary and secondary school help most pupils settle well at Penweddig,” the report added.

Penweddig head-teacher Clive Williams, who was praised by inspectors for his “vision of nurturing respect, Welshness and effort” said that he “would like to congratulate the whole Penweddig family for their hard work and co-operation in ensuring the best experiences for all pupils.”

Inspectors recommended that the school “improve aspects of teaching to raise expectations and the level of challenge and meet the needs of all pupils”; “co-ordinate provision to develop pupils’ skills across the curriculum so that pupils make continuous progress”; and “ensure that leaders evaluate the school’s work by its effect on pupils’ standards.”

The school will develop a plan to address the recommendations.