Aries (21 Mar - 20 Apr)

The unpredictability of certain people who are close to your heart could leave you both bemused and bewildered. Yet if you’re honest, isn’t it this quality that keeps you intrigued and keen to discover more about what makes them tick? For now, go along with any sudden change of mood and plans rather than insist on sticking to what has been arranged. It is the unpredictability that adds spice.

Taurus (21 Apr - 21 May)

You had expected a close friend or partner to join you in your plans. It will surprise you when they make a bid for more independence. They might admit to not sharing certain interests, in which case, encourage them to pursue their own. This will give them the space they’re in need of without it causing any problems between you. You will be determined to get to the bottom of a neighbourhood problem.

Gemini (22 May - 21 Jun)

Crossed wires may leave you waiting in one place for someone while they are waiting patiently someplace else. Such mix-ups can be avoided by making your intentions crystal clear from the start. Hold back too from writing and sending off text messages in haste. You could end up saying more than you should with no way of stopping your message from reaching its destination.

Cancer (22 Jun - 23 Jul)

An early Christmas gift will be received from a friend who hardly knows you. Your dilemma now will be whether or not to return this generous gesture. If you are single, this could be a hint that someone wants to date you. Are you in a committed relationship? There should be plenty of opportunities to enjoy twosome activities. Starting a joint project together will give you something to look forward to.

Leo (24 Jul - 23 Aug)

You will be in your element if you are hosting a festive dinner party or community gathering. Taking care of a relative who needs some support will be a good channel for your nurturing instincts. Talking to an imaginative friend will give you some great ideas for the future. If you are in a new relationship, you should not feel as if you have to splash out on expensive gifts for your partner.

Virgo (24 Aug - 23 Sep)

It is time to let your hair down. Stop worrying about everything you have to do. Life should not be all responsibility and you need to take a break. Forget about what anyone else might think and take this chance to try something new. A close friend or partner has news that will surprise you. Are you single? Your chances of finding your soul-mate this Christmas are high. You have a lot to look forward to.

Libra (24 Sep - 23 Oct)

A friend or neighbour will try to involve you in their relationship muddles. If they need a shoulder to cry on you won’t mind being there for them. You won’t make any judgments and you will keep your own opinions to yourself, knowing that what you want to say is not what they want to hear. The end of the week will be a great time for throwing a festive party or some other celebration.

Scorpio (24 Oct - 22 Nov)

You could do with a break. You won’t get this if you keep letting yourself in for jobs that demand energy and exertion. Is it sensible to take on more commitments? Whenever you get the chance you would benefit from pushing chores and other duties out of sight. Take this opportunity to focus on the things in life you really enjoy. Even if it seems like a partner is acting foolishly, go along with them.

Sagittarius (23 Nov - 21 Dec)

Someone you are working with sets high standards for themselves and others. You usually appreciate this but not when they are demanding levels of perfection you are finding impossible. People will try your patience but don’t take this out on your loved ones. It isn’t their fault and besides, where you can truly relax and be yourself is when you are with your family and closest friends.

Capricorn (22 Dec - 20 Jan)

You will be invited to contribute in some way to a community enterprise or charity project. This might mean joining a local committee, helping to organise a food drive or a fund-raising event. Although this could interfere with plans already made with your family, you will somehow find a way to keep everyone happy. A friend will approach you for advice and you are in a position to help.

Aquarius (21 Jan - 19 Feb)

Even though it will not be easy, you are doing your best to keep everyone happy. People who aren’t usually easily pleased will actually show signs of appreciating your efforts and this will feel particularly satisfying. A loved one will suggest taking over some of your responsibilities to give you more time to enjoy some festive fun. They want to pamper because your happiness is important to them.

Pisces (20 Feb - 20 Mar)

You will be eager to start on a home improvement project. Although this is not the right time to begin on it, you can work on ideas ready for when all the action begins. Little mix-ups to do with plans that should be routine will keep you on your toes. At least you won’t be bored. Someone in the family is avoiding a touchy topic. You will want to bring things out in the open.

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