A 10-year-old boy will take part in a New Year's Day dip to raise money to return an aeroplane to the sky.

Jack McKenzie will go into the sea at Black Rock Sands in Gwynedd without a wetsuit to raise money for The People's Mosquito.

Jack said: "I am really interested in World War II aeroplanes and I really like the De Havilland Mosquito.

"Did you know that currently there are no flying examples of the aeroplane left in Britain but whilst doing some research, I learnt that a very enthusiastic team of people are working very hard to change this. I want to help them reach their fundraising target of £400,000."

More information about The People's Mosquito can be found at https://www.peoplesmosquito.org.uk/ and a link to Jack's fundraising page can be found at https://gofund.me/2643a93e

Jack hopes to go into the water at 10am on New Year's Day.