Climate activists from West Wales will travel to Windsor with messages for the King.

They will camp in Windsor for a fun, family friendly weekend with a serious purpose - ‘Upgrading Democracy’. While most see voting and democracy as fundamental to good government, many also see that there are some issues which can be ‘too hot to handle’. This means it can be difficult for governments to make good decisions about them, because the politicians always have an eye on the next election, and powerful lobbyists and those with vested interests may have too much influence.

West Wales climate campaigners will unite with thousands at Windsor in a peaceful, creative protest demanding urgent climate action and democratic reform through a Citizens’ Assembly on Climate and Ecological Justice.

One of those going to Windsor is Jane Mansfield from Pentrecagal, a grandmother, retired nurse and member of Cadernid Emlyn Resilience.

She said: “Many places in the world, including parts of Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and Great Britain as a whole, have turned to Citizens’ Assemblies as an effective way of dealing with difficult issues such as how to tackle the climate crisis.

“Our camp at Windsor (which has police and council approval) won’t be targeting a person, it will target a system where money and power is concentrated in the hands of a few. Powerful business interests have corrupted our politics and media, causing denial and delay on this urgent problem. And as the planet burns, the massive profits of oil and gas companies keep on rolling in.”

The group has taken a giant banner to various sites to advertise the weekend in Windsor.

“The banner was last seen winging its way to St. Davids, but it could turn up anywhere,” said Graham Wilson, another local climate campaigner.

“We just want to get the word out so people can join us, and so more people become aware of how effective Citizens’ Assemblies can be. Look up the term through Google and you’ll see them explained and examples of how they’ve been used.”

A coach has been booked to take people to Windsor from West and South Wales on Friday, 30 August, returning on Sunday, 1 September.

Those travelling to Windsor will take a bag full of messages to deliver to the King, written by local members of the public in recent weeks, expressing their hopes and fears about the climate crisis, and urging a change in the system, so that effective action can be taken.

Philippa Gibson, a volunteer at the Oxfam shop in Cardigan, who also backs the call to upgrade democracy, said: “King Charles clearly understands the plight of the planet and the urgent need for society to change course. As Prince of Wales he actively spoke out about climate change and environmental destruction. Now that he is King, he is expected to keep fairly quiet about the emergency as it is seen as too 'political' even though he spoke frankly at COP28 about the peril of our own survival due to climate and ecological collapse. Many people have been keen to send him their messages calling for change.“

To find to find out more and to book the coach, contact [email protected] or call 07787 197630.