Twenty-seven Community Protection Warnings have been issued to individuals for antisocial behaviour in an area of Aberystwyth.

The warnings were issued for antisocial behaviour in and around the Castle Grounds, as police state they are “taking robust action” to address the rise in such behaviour.

Since issuing the warnings, 10 of the individuals have received Community Protection Notices, and three Criminal Behaviour Orders.

Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant Hana Edwards reassured residents that the “area is regularly patrolled” and encouraged anybody “affected by antisocial behaviour to contact police”.

This comes after a rise in antisocial behaviour in the Castle Grounds and the wider Rheidol ward, in particular an alleged double assault last month.

On 22 April, Dyfed Powys Police were called to an alleged assault at the Castle Grounds, which saw a male victim suffer facial injuries. However, police received a report “from a concerned member of the public that a second individual may have been assaulted”.

While nobody came forward in relation to this incident, a witness claimed it involved an assault on a mother who was with a child.

Dyfed Powys Police explained a Community Protection Warning is the first stage, after this a Community Protection Notice can be given where they can be arrested. Finally a Criminal Behaviour Order is applied for and granted through the courts.

Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant Hana Edwards said: “I can reassure residents and visitors that the area is regularly patrolled by the Neighbourhood Policing Team with targeted patrols taking place to address anti-social behaviour over recent weeks. I would encourage anyone who is affected by anti-social behaviour to contact police so the appropriate action can be taken.”

Rheidol County Councillor Endaf Edwards said: “I am pleased that action has been taken on this issue and it is important that these Warnings are enforced properly.

“The residents of South Road and the surrounding area have suffered greatly as a result of antisocial behaviour and I believe that it is time to ensure that such behaviour ceases.

“I am shocked by the rise in antisocial behaviour in the Castle Grounds, particularly the nature of these incidents.

“Action has been prompted by this, but I do not believe that the action taken so far has been or will be effective and I have informed Ceredigion Council of my doubts.”

The warnings state receivers must not act in an antisocial manner, must not act in a violent or intimidating manner in a public place, must not be drunk in a public place or under the influence of drugs causing members of the public distress, must not consume alcohol or take drugs in public, must not enter the Castle Grounds area.

Public Spaces Protection Order is in place across most of Aberystwyth, including the beaches and the Castle Grounds, which prohibits the consumption of alcohol.