The January meeting of Tywyn Garden Club took place on Tuesday, 14 January.
Eighteen members braved the foggy weather to listen to speaker Anthony Goode. He is secretary and treasurer of The Alpine Garden Society North Wales Group.
He shared his extensive knowledge and enthusiasm, together with his wonderful photographs of ‘The Four Seasons’, a celebration of alpine gardening through the year drawing inspiration from visits to botanic gardens and looking at how that relates to gardening in a small suburban space.
He also shared flowers and foliage, plants small and large, from Wisley, Edinburgh, The Explorers Garden, Branklyn Garden and Gothenburg Botanic Garden plus a selection of home grown alpines and bulbs, all of which was of interest to members as they love to visit gardens and it was interesting to see how they could translate ideas into their own gardens.
The talk was followed by refreshments, and the lucky door ticket was won by Elizabeth Davies, who received a large tin of chocolates.
The group’s next meeting is on Tuesday, 11 February at 7.30pm in the meeting room at the back of the Baptist Church. New members are welcome.