A NEW award has been launched in Tregaron to recognise voluntary work in the community.

The award, launched by Tregaron Town Council, is intended to celebrate and thank a volunteer who has made an outstanding contribution to the Tregaron area. The award will be presented as part of the Town Council's St David's Day celebrations.

Arwel Jones, Chairman of Tregaron Town Council, said: "We welcome nominations from people who have worked diligently and quietly for the good of the area in sports-like areas, community, agriculture, children, young people, older people or any other field. There are so many people doing great work in the community without any recognition at all. This is an opportunity to acknowledge the commitment of one of the stars of the area”

To be eligible for the award, the individual must:

• Live in the electoral ward of Tregaron

• Be over 18 years old

• Have done volunteer work that is relevant to the town

Please send your nomination to Tregaron Town Council via community councillors or by email to the Clerk outlining why the nominee is deserving of the award (no more than 100 words) by the 23 February.

The winner will be chosen by an independent panel outside the town council.

The winner will be announced during the Tregaron St David's Day parade on 1 March.