Identical twins Elin and Lisa Jones grew up on a farm in Bryncir when childhood tragedy turned them towards a career with the police.

They were eight their father died of a heart attack.

Lisa said: “I can still remember two lovely police officers comforting us.

“I’d always thought police officers were scary, but from that day on they inspired me. They were there for us at our darkest time and helped us process what happened.

“It was from then that we both wanted to help others the way those officers helped us.”

The sisters completed their education and got jobs together at a local primary school in the day and Asda at night.

Outside work, they enjoyed playing football for Caernarfon, alongside their brother who is the team’s manager.

They love playing football and started an under-eight’s girls football team.

Their love for their community inspired them to make a difference on the streets as well as on the pitch.

Earlier this year they pursued their childhood dream of becoming police officers.

Elin said: “We decided to apply together because we have always done everything together. We are so happy to be going through the process together; we will support each other in our new careers.”

Lisa added: “We are now over halfway through our training and are enjoying the process so far.

“We get a lot of support from the trainers who are helping us become more confident. They want the best for all of us.”

Another area they are being supported with is their language skills. The first language Welsh speakers say the force has been very supportive, helping them learn in Welsh and improve their English at the same time.

When initial training ends, the twins will work in south Gwynedd as response police officers, reacting to emergency calls, supporting victims of crime and tackling anti-social behaviour.

Lisa is looking forward to making a difference in people’s lives, reducing crime and improving the community.

Attending traumatic incidents will be tough, but she knows the officers who faced those same incidents are the ones who changed her life, inspired her and her sister to join the police.

“I hope I can have that same impact on someone’s life,” she added.

Elin said: “We’re looking forward to our careers in policing and hope to make a difference in people’s lives every day.

“Doing it together will make it even more rewarding.”