Carmarthenshire County Council’s cabinet has this week approved the transfer of the former Newcastle Emlyn Courthouse to Newcastle Emlyn Town Council.

The cabinet approved a 21-year lease which will facilitate the town council’s plan to bring the premises back into use.

The future of the former courthouse was considered during a public consultation on the community’s requirements, and the site's potential contribution to those local needs.

The outcome of the consultation suggested that the local community wanted the building to be retained, refurbished and transformed into a multi-use centre.

Newcastle Emlyn Town Council intend to submit an application for funding from the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund [UKSPF] in order to pay for the necessary restoration work.

The funding is conditional upon the Town Council having a lease of sufficient term on the premises.

Carmarthenshire council’s cabinet member for Resources, Alun Lenny said: “The building as it currently stands is not needed for further use by the county council and has been empty for some time.

“I welcome the cabinet’s decision to approve the transfer of this asset to Newcastle Emlyn Town Council.

“The funding will ensure that the building is being used for the benefit of the town’s residents”.