PEOPLE are queuing around the block this afternoon in Aberystwyth town centre after a tattoo parlour announced it was holding a Halloween-themed flash sale.

A large queue along Chalybeate Street, stretching back as far as Great Darkgate Street, drew attention from shoppers in the town centre earlier today (Friday).

They are queuing to get into Studio Eleven, a tattoo shop which is offering a flash sale on Halloween themed tattoos.

The crowd of almost 100 were eager to have themselves tattooed.

Studio Eleven has promised to work through all of them today.

Chalybeate Street
Studio Eleven has promised to work through everyone in the queue today (Cambrian News)

Tattoo artist and owner of Studio Eleven, Alex Ormsby, has worked hard alongside the studio’s other artists, Nick Jones, and Zachariah Mills, to make sure everyone queuing outside their studio gets their tattoo done in time for Halloween.

Lucie Ormsby, the studio’s general manager said “It’s been incredibly busy. We’ve got a load of Halloween tattoos.

“People come in, see what designs they like, and we’ll tattoo them there and then, after a short wait. This saves people having to wait months to get a tattoo.”