It’s mankind versus nature in the Royal Opera’s stunning production of Rusalka, screening at Mwldan on 24 January.

Rusalka, a water spirit, lives with her family in the pure waters of the forest lake. When she falls in love with a Prince, she sacrifices her voice and leaves her home in the hope of finding true love in a new world – a world that does not love her back.

Natalie Abrahami and Ann Yee create a poetic, contemporary new staging of Dvořák’s lyric fairy tale, revealing our uneasy relationship with the natural world and humanity’s attempts to own and tame it. Semyon Bychkov conducts an all-star cast featuring Asmik Grigorian (Jenůfa) in the title role.

Sung in Czech with English subtitles.

‘Ann Yee and Natalie Abrahami’s thoughtful and effective new production shapes Dvorák’s opera into a tale of mankind versus nature. A first-rate cast is matched by Semyon Bychkov in the pit’. The Guardian

‘Semyon Bychkov leads a musically superior Rusalka at Covent Garden’ BachTrack

Tickets are priced at £17 (£16) and are available now from (24/7) or by phoning our box office between 12 - 8pm Tue - Sun 01239 621 200.