Struggling families are being urged to seek help as Gwynedd approves ‘unprecedented’ 9.54 council tax.

The rise was accepted at full council on 7 March.

The meeting heard the rise was inevitable amid a backdrop of “increasing pressure of demand on services” and “unprecedented levels of inflation for decades.”

An overspend of more than £8M was reported. The main areas of over spend had seen 5.4M in adult health and well being – 66 percent of the total overspend. Learning disability services and domiciliary care had also seen increased pressure.

“Many of you do not accept the term overspend, saying underfunding is a better description and I sympathise with that view. This is seen as an overspend in the world of finance,” said Cllr Ioan Thomas, Cabinet Member for Finance.

The council had had “no choice” but to use £8M from funds, it would “clear out” the £8.3M from its Covid recovery fund and 4.3M from a financial strategy fund.

Head of finance Dewi Morgan said the full figures would only come to light when accounts are closed in April and May, and using council reserves was an “unsustainable” strategy.

Having to set a 9.54 percent council was “unprecedented” in his time at the council he said.

The council position was that it was “committed” to protecting schools and services for vulnerable children and families, despite the dire financial situation facing public services across Wales.

Deputy leader Cllr Nia Jeffreys said there is help available for struggling Gwynedd families.

She said there are two important messages to get over to the people of Gwynedd, everyone check your rights and claim what you are owed.

It was understood that many people did not claim benefits they were entitled to.

“Claiming council tax credit can help people to access further benefits, so please go on our council website for cost of living help, or visit a community hub, attend a cost of living event held in the county or visit citizens advice or your local councillor so we can help you,” she said.

“Don’t let the Tories in London fool you, there is a direct link with what is happening in the chambers in London to the chamber here today.

“The Tories aren’t worried about us in Wales, it is an attack on our way of living our values, everything we stand for.

“To see what help is available, visit”