It’s been another busy and successful year at Ysgol Penllwyn and Ysgol Penrhyn-coch culminating in success in Ceredigion’s Garden competition at the Royal Agricultural Show.

The project at Ysgol Penllwyn, which saw pupils develop a sensory garden was a whole community effort, including successful applications for funding by the PTA, generous contributions of materials, time and labour by parents and school staff to bring learners’ designs to life.

An additional joint project with Ysgol Penrhyn-coch and Aberystwyth University saw pupils making use of free Microbits offered by the BBC to design and create and automatic greenhouse.

This was featured on BBC News across radio and tv most recently.

Successful application for 500 trees from the Woodland Trust, shared between both schools has enabled pupils and volunteers to plant trees across both schools communities.

The above has resulted in the Eco-Schools Platinum+ Award for Ysgol Penrhyn-coch and Ysgol Penllwyn jointly.

Headteacher, Catryn Lawrence said: “Pupils have worked so enthusiastically on this project which has seen them developing scientific enquiry skills, thinking creatively, presenting their designs and ideas, building their designs, developing coding skills, and engaging with STEM careers.

“We are extremely grateful to have been successful in funding applications to the Royal Society and BUPA, and for our partners at Aberystwyth University for the amazing learning experiences from which pupils have benefitted.

“Pupils at both schools are fortunate of the volunteers and staff who seek out exciting and engaging learning opportunities.”

Gardening has been one of the many successes throughout the year.

Catryn Lawrence added: “Ysgol Penllwyn reached the county round of the Urdd Eisteddfod for the first time in well over a decade with the parti Cerdd Dant, and we’re extremely proud of pupils reaching the forefront in the National Urdd Eisteddfod e.g with Olivia Dowse achieving 2nd in the Urdd’s national Eisteddfod for Welsh Learners Recital Under Year 2, Gwen Hughes 2nd in the Ceramics Competition year 6 and under, and Iori Price 3rd in the Upcycling competition for year 2 and under.

“Ysgol Penrhyn-coch also gained many prizes at county level on both stage and arts and crafts, with a very special performance of a Dramatic Presentation on the theme ‘Through Your Eyes’ telling the story of one of our pupils who journeyed to the school from the Ukraine.