Santander will close 95 of their existing 444 branches, including Caernarfon.

The decision to close the Gwynedd bank has been criticised.

A further 36 branches will see hours reduced, 18 branches will be counter-free branches and five Work Cafés will be established.

The company said the affected locations “will be covered by new Santander Community Bankers providing face-to-face money management and general support for customers, visiting local communities weekly, as well as attending local Banking Hubs”.

“The bank is also investing in more Work Cafés, with two new Work Cafés recently opened, and an additional site to be announced shortly,” they added.

“The Work Café concept, which Santander is rolling out globally, provides a hub for local communities and businesses, including co-working space, superfast WiFi and dedicated event space - which can be accessed for free by customers and non-customers alike.”

But Dwyfor Meirionnydd MP, Liz Saville Roberts criticised the plan.

She said: “This is just another nail in the coffin of face-to-face high street banking hitting communities right across Wales, at a time when many people can ill-afford to travel great distances to access their nearest branch.

“Nothing can replace walking into a bank branch and talking to someone across the counter.

“Despite the myth being peddled by high street banks that everyone banks online, people still want that personal contact, especially so the elderly.

“Since many banks are intent on ploughing ahead with local branch closures, despite local opposition, every effort must be made to help local Santander branch customers in Caernarfon and surrounding communities to use alternative banking methods.

“This includes providing detailed information on internet banking and accessing bank services at the post office. I am seeking assurances as to what alternative arrangements will be put in place and what will happen to the staff working at the branch.”